The Bucket List

I finally watched The Bucket List a while back. I had no idea what it was about, but I had heard it was really good. I’d had the movie from Netflix for about a month (oops). I popped it in, and saw it had Jack Nicholas, and Morgan Freeman. Interesting combination – I can’t stand Jack, but love Morgan. I figured I’d watch it anyway, if it was terrible, it’d only be 2 hours out of my life… SO glad I did!

Having had 2 friends die of cancer within a month of each other (several years back), and two more friends battling it now, parts of it were hard to watch. What a story of friendship born in an unlikely place! I thought it was great how the two men decided to do things they had always wanted to do, but never had the chance.

After watching the movie, I started thinking about my own personal “bucket list.” I’m not sure I even know what would be on it…

*Visit Australia
*Tour Europe – twice (once just to see it, once poignantly visiting historical sites)
*Go to Hawaii
*Be a counselor at a summer camp
*Go on an African Safari
*visit every state, and “see the sights”

I can’t really think of anything else right now… I’ve had this saved in drafts for a couple weeks now… I’ve come back to it several times, trying to think of what else to add… just can’t think of anything right now… I’m definitely going to make my Bucket List something I will be adding to…

Out of curiosity – what would be on your list?


After reading some other lists, I was inspired to add a few:

*Work at Disney World – even if only for a day!
*Enter a fishing tournament
*Take a photography class

Thank you for the mentions:

**Bob Pusateri

**Gabriel Villa

One thought on “The Bucket List

  1. […] Personal with zero comments A while back, honorary SQL geek Sarah Sjolander (blog | twitter) posted her bucket list after watching the movie of the same name. I have yet to see that movie, but thought I’d […]

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